November 23, 2013

I Just Need a Broom and a Dustpan....and a HOUSEKEEPER!

Man, there sure was a lot of dust piling up on this thing!  The only thing I can say about my latest absence from the blogosphere is:  This blog is always on my list of 'Things to Do' just always gets kicked to the bottom of the list!
And then I blinked.
I blinked and school was out.  It was summer vacation and I was finally going to get to do ALL THOSE THINGS I HAD BEEN TOO BUSY TO DO DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. 
(I didn't do most of them.)
Then, I blinked again.
I blinked and school was about to begin again.  I was sad to see our summer come to and end, but looking forward to embracing some sort of routine again.  Although I find too much structure and too many 'have tos' in my day stifling, I definitely lack the motivation to get very much done of my own accord.  To quote a friend,
"You should definitely not be left unsupervised!"
As much as I love to be alone, I tend to agree with her. 
Since I almost feel the need to introduce myself again because I haven't been here in so long, I guess I should fill you in on the latest amusing anecdotes of my spouse and spawn.  (David, 17YO, 10YO, and 7YO.)
David is....well, he's David.  :-)  Most days, I consider that to be a pretty good thing.  Most days.

17YO is a senior in high school and drives.  Yes, they allow her on the road with other people and pedestrians and dog walkers and such.  Most days, I feel okay about that.  She wants to be an orthodontist and, coincidentally, just got braces last month.  I think she would actually make a great orthodontist because she has excellent people skills and would most likely be known for her amazing bedside (or chairside) manner.  The college and scholarship application process is underway and I sort of feel like a circus dog with all the flaming hoops that still need to be jumped through.  It's a complicated process, but I am lucky because 17YO is doing almost all of it.  Her school seems to be very thorough about pointing them in the right direction for college and scholarships, but only time will tell.  We don't see her much and she always seems to need more time and money. 
10YO is doing really well.  She is thriving in fifth grade, adores her amazing teacher, and is just finishing up her first season (Well, first season since she was five!) playing soccer.  She loves it and wants to continue with the indoor and spring seasons coming up.   My quiet introvert really seems to be finding her place with her friends, teammates, and classmates.  It's nice to see the timid ones come out of their shells.  She is a stickler for rules and order and doesn't have much of a tolerance for anyone that doesn't walk the 'straight and narrow' right along with her.  I'm hoping she'll eventually loosen up a bit.  (I'm sure most of her friends are too!)
7YO does pretty well in almost everything she does.  She loves second grade and and her teacher.  She seems to make friends well and doesn't seem to struggle with any particular subject in school.  Not yet, anyway!  She does, however, seem to struggle with patience.  She seems to have quite a bit of natural charisma WHEN SHE IS NOT AT HOME.  At home, as my mom so aptly pointed out one day, "That child would argue with a stop sign!"  (Yes, Grandma really nailed that metaphor!) We pretty much just keep our fingers crossed that she uses her powers for good and not evil.  Once again, only time will tell! 
I am just plugging along.  I changed my eating habits and lost twenty pounds.  Okay, so I tried to make eating less of a habit than it had been.  I also cut out most of the junk.  I am to the point where the junk makes me sick if I overdo it.  I need that sort of consequence or I will continue to overeat and outgrow my pants.  I am a glutton, plain and simple.  I am also currently an auburn-ish brunette.  Change is good, right? 
I am still searching for the keys to happiness, wealth, success, a house that cleans itself, and meals that prepare themselves. Oh, I would also LOVE to find a faster way to knit socks!  (Because two years just seems like a long time to get a pair of socks done!)    
Okay, so I didn't spend the entire two years knitting them...I just have the attentioin span of a gnat most days and my projects spend a lot more time in the craft closet than they do in my mind!
I used my handy dandy (yet seriously outdated) scrapbooking program and made a little extra decoration for my fireplace mantle.
I also like to spend a little time each day annoying my girls.  The oldest is the most fun, even though she is by far the easiest to annoy.  Recently, I took several selfies of myself and my cat and kept text them to her throughout the day.  She told me I needed to get dressed and leave the house. 
My work here is done.


TuffMommy said...

Love it!!! Now keep it up!! :-)

jeannie03 said...

I love it and am so glad to see you blogging again!!!!