I am driving myself. mad. Really, I am. I have deleted and retyped the words on this page way too many times.
You see, I've decided to 'branch out' and start sharing my thoughts on
this blog, as opposed to the blog I have on
http://360.yahoo.com/frogsndaisies. I've sincerely met a lot of
really great people there, but I've recently discovered
several advantages to having a blog on a site like this one. I'm so
comfortable on my Yahoo blog, but maybe that's not such a good thing. Here I am, stepping out of my
comfort zone.
I was going to make my first blog post for this blog an introduction to my life and all the people I will probably be bitching about here and there, but I won't belittle you that way. I'm sure you're quite capable of catching on quickly enough. Much like a soap opera, it's pretty easy to get the hang of the way things go around here, and the scenery rarely changes. Most days, that's okay with me. I do not handle change too well and I'm a bit of a 'committment phobe.'
~Go ahead. Laugh. A married woman with three kids is afraid of committment. Those are 'no brainers' for me. See if you ever see a tattoo or new haircut on me. For those of you who are new here.....you probably won't.~
I currently have a husband and three daughters. The reason I use the word 'currently' is because there are still a couple days left on my Ebay listing and those numbers could change.
I must come back and read this entry next week, when I am no longer on Vicodin. I had a little 'procedure' done last Tuesday and am still feeling some of the effects. Enough, anyway, to make me really appreciate my little red bottle of pills. 1YO thinks of it as a 'rattle' and I actually handed it to her in the car earlier to get her to stop hollering.
After all, isn't that why they make those bottles childproof?
These are my monsters.
Can you believe nobody instantly clicked on 'Buy It Now?'
Me either.
That was actually taken almost a year ago. It's just always been one of my favorites. This is more recent:

Yeah...I know the little one needs a tissue. This has been one of those years where we have seen 3,528 runny noses. Between that and the fact that she is the third child.....I guess I just don't care as much.
Wow. Gas-X is amazing.
Another one of the 'effects' I've been feeling from my 'procedure' is gas pain. They poke a hole in your stomach and fill it up with carbon dioxide so they can look around and see a little better. Not all of the gas comes out before they close you up. At least, that's what they tell you. For all I know they took pictures of me with silly hats and in funny poses, maybe even with beer cans in my hand and a corn cob pipe hanging out of my mouth. They could have, for all I care. It's a better to think about that than what they actually did in there.
I need another Vicodin....