Get a load of these little numbers....SO FUN!!!
I've discovered a little project that I love for so many reasons. First of all, these things will probably only take a half an hour or so by the time I get the pattern down really well. That's as close to instant gratification that I've found in knitting thus far! Plus, they don't take a lot of yarn and are a great way to use up scraps. I also read that the cheaper acrylics scrub even I don't necessarily have to use cotton. Win, win, win, right?
I'm not really sure if waking up earlier is making me more productive or not. I've been waking up 1-1 1/2 hours earlier than normal. I help David get his lunch and stuff together to be out the door by 6:30 so he can hit the gym before work. As of right now, I've been awake for almost 4 hours and I've gotten so much more done before 10:00 than I usually have done before 11YO gets home from school. But, I feel like I run out of 'oomph' that much sooner, too. I'm almost ready to turn my coffee pot off and start drinking my green tea...and that doesn't usually happen until noon. I also feel like taking a nap. That won't actually happen, but my productivity will be going downhill from here on out!
I've really been hooked on oatmeal lately. You know, the good old-fashoined Quaker Oats...not even the quick ones! I've been eating a bowl every morning and it's so yummy. I just hope that's not what's causing all this terrible GAS I've been having. TMI? You're welcome!
Does anyone know if oatmeal actually causes gas?
I'm ready to start the heel of my first sock. I'm skeeeeered. Why is this part so intimidating to me? I found a site that actually seems to have a decent explanation of how to turn the heel of a toe-up sock. I read it over and think I can go along with it. So, why am I still so intimidated? Here's what I have so far:

I love being able to try the sock on as I make it. I cannot imagine making a sock from the top-down. Toe-up is definitely the way to go for me!
Wildtomato has given me an awesome gift. They are the Knit Picks Options Harmony Wood set of knitting needles. They rock!!! They are so smooth and soft and pretty...fondling them regularly makes me very happy, indeed! I am working on a felted hat with them and I almost don't want to finish it. Then I would have to find something else to do with them. Of course, I could get a few more projects going with them, as this set comes with four cables and all sizes ranging from 4-11. I'm afriad of having too many balls in the air at once, though. I'm sure I will have more and more projects going as I become more skilled. For now, it's hats, scarves, and dish cloths.
Here are the needles in the hat I'm making:
Then there's that sock....I will work on the heel today. I need to take the time and follow the instructions I found. I need to hurry up and finish at least one sock. Wildtomato also brought me more sock yarn...

...and I cannot WAIT to see what these socks turn out like!

...and I cannot WAIT to see what these socks turn out like!
Must go now. My needles and I need to be alone for awhile....