...is something I started saying when I first became a parent. I'm only kidding when I say it. MOST of the time.
December 26, 2009
Starting over and remembering to write a new date on my checks!
December 17, 2009
HO HO HO-liday Exhaustion
December 7, 2009
November 27, 2009
I Am Thankful...really! I am!!!
November 18, 2009
Bad Doggies and a Question for Ya
November 17, 2009
If you think something is fool-proof, that might just prove you're the fool!
November 16, 2009
39 Day's 'Till Christmas!!!
November 13, 2009
Christmas Knitting, Cordless Sharks, and the Cat in the Dryer
November 3, 2009
"Umm...my grandma called and she wants her underwear back."
October 24, 2009
Me and My 'Cowboy'
I certainly can't speak for everyone else's marriage, but I can see how this song can ring a bit true for so many of us.
There is so much to be said for dating, courtship, and being a newlywed. It's like a BIG DEAL. There's also a lot to be said for growing old with someone. That's like the ultimate for a lot of people. But, the journey to get there isn't always (Read: USUALLY or EVER) easy. But, for most people, the space between the beginning and the end is HUGE and not always the part we want to talk about.
While I can certainly identify with this song,I can't say it totally rings true for me. I can't say my husband is out 'having a beer' when he's not home with me. He's working. He's doing his job the best he can so that I can stay home with the kids. That was something that was important to both of us going into this whole 'arrangement.' Granted, if I had to go back to work tomorrow to make our lives better I totally would. I believe in doing what is best for one's self and their families when it comes to working outside the home. But even agreeing on that puts us in the place where our jobs are not 'equal' and never will be. They are both measured in completely different ways and it's so easy for each of us to feel as though we're getting the short end of the stick at one time or another. Plus, he's a man and I'm a woman. We are wired in completely different ways and to hold out hope that we'll ever completely understand one another is just setting ourselves up for disappointment.
Okay, back to my point. What I'm saying is that the big 'middle' section of a marriage isn't all that talked about. They don't usually tell you how easy it is to settle into a rut and how sucky things can get sometimes. And that's okay. I mean, it's not okay to want to stay that way forever, but it doesn't make your marriage BAD if you have your fair share of bad days as a couple.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think it's actually okay to have days where your partner comes home and you're thinking, "OH. It's you. AGAIN." Perhaps the divorce rate is so much higher than it needs to be because people give up too easily. But, life happens and (often) so do kids and inlaws and jobs and money worries and the clock just keeps on ticking an you can feel like all you do is run and try and sometimes you really don't know if you're ever really getting anywhere at all.
But it will almost always get better...if you let it!
I am probably more guilty than many people of staying in my own 'corner' of the relationship, not willing to really give anything but angry if I think that he's not giving me anything either. If you ask my husband, he'd tell you that keeping to myself is what I'm probably best at. He knows to not try to play 'silent treatment' with me. I'll win. Partly because I do truly believe that, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Sadly, it can take so much longer than it should to say something nice if I don't put a little effort into it. The other part of my reasoning stems from my own stupid stubbornness. It's a wonder there is any brain in my head at all with how thick my skull can be!
But, more than anything, it helps to just trust myself. I did, after all, choose to marry this man. I wasn't held at gunpoint or anything like that. Neither was he. I was of sound mind and good judgement. And I need to trust that on the bad days. And it's okay to have bad days. I find it really helps to vent to a friend I can trust, then do something nice for him. Things seem to fall into place when you get the ball rolling in the right direction. At the end of the day, I married a good man who works hard for his family and really does love us. And we will, one day, be that old couple that sits on the front porch yelling at each other...not because we're angry, but because we can't hear as well anymore.
To be honest, things are really good with us right now. I am in no way venting. I was just playing an old cd in my car while driving alone today and just started to think about my 'single days.' There were some fun times, but everything I did back then was just to pass the time to get me where I am right now. I'm a lucky girl, even if I'm not ALWAYS willing to admit it!
Ultimately, I think we're responsible for our own happiness. I honestly think that the secret to happiness is to know and accept that we're not supposed to be happy every single moment of our lives. Besides, how boring would that be, huh? As much as I would love for David to be able to read between the lines (In other words, READ MY MIND) and grant me my every wish before I can even voice it, it's just not possible. And that's okay. Truth be told, I'd probably get bored with that too and take it for granted. And I'd still complain that he turns the television channel to something boring and falls asleep right away with the remote control tightly in his grip. Actually, I'll probably always complain about that. But, instead of just complaining, I learned to knit. Unless it's something I specifically want to watch, I've learned that I could care less about what's going on in the glowing box and find something better to do with my time. We're both happier that way.
Besides, I'd rather save the arguments for the more important things, like where he chooses to squeeze the toothpaste tube and how he doesn't change the toilet paper roll when he replaces it, but just sets the new roll on the counter. You know, the big stuff!
October 22, 2009
Sadistic Trainers, Long Tongues, and Apple Cider Vinegar
October 20, 2009
Ten Random Thoughts for Today
October 15, 2009
FREE PATTERN: Easy Ribbed Cable Hat
Skills Needed:
Long-tail cast-on (CO)
Knit Stitch (K)
Purl Stitch (P)
Knitting in the Round on Circular Needles
Knit Two Together (K2TOG)
Purl Two Together (P2TOG)
Knitting Cables
Knitting in the Round on Double-Pointed Needles
Materials Needed:
1 skein of Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky or any other bulky weight yarn
1 set of 16” circular needles in size 10 ½
1 set of 5 double-pointed needles in size 10 ½
Stitch Markers
Cable Needle
Yarn Needle
This hat is knitted in 3.5 stitches per inch guage and measures about 20.5 inches around to fit an average-sized woman, so adjust your measurements accordingly. Using your circular needles and a long-tail cast-on, CO 72 stitches and join to knit in the round.
*K1, P1 * Repeat to end of first round and PM.
Continue in K1, P1 ribbing until your piece measures four inches long.
Round 1: P2, K6 (for cable), P2, K2, P1, K2, P1, K2, PM
Repeat this pattern three more times, placing a second marker at the beginning of your second round, so you know where the next round begins.
Round 2: Same as Round 1.
Round 3: P2, SL 3 sts onto the cable needle and place it behind your work. K the next 3 sts, then K the 3 sts from the cable needle back onto your circular needle. P2, K2, P1, K2, P1, K2, SM. Repeat this pattern three more times to complete Round 3.
Repeat Round 1 for 5 rounds, repeating round 3 on the next round.
Continue this pattern until your hat measures 8”.
To begin decreasing, P2, K2, K2TOG, K2, P2, K2TOG, P1, K2TOG, P1, K2TOG, SM.
Continue the pattern 3 more times for the rest of this round.
Onto a DPN, P2, K5, P2, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1.
Continue in the pattern to the end of round so you have 14 sts each on 4 DPNs.
Next Round: P2TOG, K2TOG, K1, K2TOG, P2TOG, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1. Repeat this pattern 3 more times until you have 10 sts on each needle.
P1, K3, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, repeating this pattern for the rest of the round.
K2TOG for the entire round, leaving a total of 5 sts on each of the 4 DPNs.
K2TOG for another round, slipping the last st on Needles 1 and 3 to the next needle and leaving a total of ten stitches. Cut the yarn, leaving 6-8 inches of yarn and thread it through a yarn needle. Slip the sts off the DPNs and onto the yarn needle, running the yarn needle through the last ten sts and pulling it tight. Weave in all the ends and fold up the brim.
Now, wasn’t that easy?
October 14, 2009
Now Available in HDTV

We swapped our box out for an HD box. And David is in love.
I guess it’s a better picture, but how much better can you get? Honestly, I didn’t really have a problem with the picture before HD. David spent several minutes switching the television back and forth from the regular picture to the HD one, trying to show me how much better the picture really was on Phinneas and Ferb in HD. I just didn’t see a big difference. Then again, how do you make animation more clear? It’s not as if the picture is going to get so much better that you’ll be able to see their mother’s laugh lines or their dad’s acne scars. It’s a freaking cartoon!
This brings up another point: How much more do we really want to see? I don’t know about you, but I sort of prefer the fantasy aspect of television. I don’t want to see Kelly Ripa’s smile lines or the acne outbreaks of Cameron Diaz. I’m pretty sure they don’t appreciate it either, for that matter.
It seems odd to me that special effects can come so far only to be canceled out by the technology that allows you to see right through them. I miss the fantasy of it all. Now, I’m not saying I want to go back to the truly lame days of the original ‘Land of the Lost’ or anything like that. Now, that was just sad. But I really do long for the fantasy, you know? I’m afraid we could lose the airbrushed, dreamy glow of the old picture. Now, I don’t know about you, but I watch television to be entertained. If I want something real, I turn it off and look around.
What do you think of how far technology has come? Think it will go too far? Think it already has?
October 12, 2009
I have an assignment for you...

October 9, 2009
Greetings ffrom NOWHERE!

October 3, 2009
September 22, 2009
...and the growups say, "NO! DON'T WANNA!"
September 18, 2009
3YO vs. Sleeping, Boxer vs. Humidifier, and WHY GOD MADE COFFEE
Since we got Aly in the spring, she'd never actually seen the humidifier in action. It was bad enough that I was lying in 3YO's bed to help her get to sleep. Aly really isn't okay with me lying in my own bed during the day or even lying anywhere else in the house besides my bed. She gets really nervous and paces and barks. So, I was just about asleep in 3YO's bed when Aly barked to let me know that I shouldn't be there. Apparently, she takes her job pretty seriously when it comes to patrolling the perimeters at night and nothing gets past her. Just as I was attempting to hush her and let her know that it was okay, she noticed the humidifier. OH BOY! HERE WE GO! She got that instantly confused but trying really hard to understand what she's looking at so you can't decide if she looks smart or dumb boxer head tilt thing going on. If you've ever met a boxer, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Cutest thing ever. (Even at 1:00 a.m. apparently!) She stalked the humidifier for awhile, creeping up ever-so-slowly until it would quietly bubble. That would send her back several feet. Then, she would proceed to look at me as if she's protecting us from some evil force. Each time she got a bit closer to us. Once she finally got close enough, she stuck her head directly over the frog humidifier and inhaled the mist as if it were some kind of drug. Then, she crawled under the bed and peered out from underneath the comforter to spy on it for awhile. She had to make sure it didn't try anything funny!