September 9, 2008

All I want for Christmas is an....


Actually, I'd settle for knowing that 2YO won't make any more PUDDLES OF URINE in the middle of Target! This is a stage in parenting that I've never really had to deal with. Yes, I do have two older children. However, I was working full-time when 12YO was little. My mom kept her while I worked. Most of the real work was taken care of by 'Grandma.' She was waking up dry for a long time and weekends were easy to keep up on once she'd had a week with Grandma. 5YO pretty much potty-trained herself. All I did was provide the fruit snacks as a form of bribery. Once she decided to 'be a big girl,' she started passing on the fruit snacks and continued to 'do her business' on things that flushed. She still slept in a Pull-Up for a long time, only because I'm not a fan of changing sheets in the middle of the night.

But 2YO...oh, my little 2YO....

She has got to be one of the most stubborn people I've ever met! When she's happy, she'll charm the socks right off ya! When she's NOT HAPPY, through a combination of horrible shrieks, a purple face and pummeling fists, she can make everyone around her totally miserable.
On a good day, we laugh a lot. She is hysterical, such a little comedian. Her dimples and charm can win anyone over. Then...there are those other days. The days where everything is a battle and we have tantrums over what cup she drinks out of and GOD FORBID I SHOULD OPEN A DOOR THAT SHE WANTED TO OPEN...even if she never said anything about it until I actually opened the door!
We've been trying to get her potty-trained for awhile now. She's really great about it, when she's in the mood. When she's not....she will tell you she doesn't have to go when you're actually IN the restroom and then leave a puddle the size of Texas in the middle of Target five minutes later. And the fruit snacks? They're not so enticing to her these days. I've tried chocolate milk, cookies, candy. This momma's desperate! I do my best not to ridicule her, but it's so hard not to yell, "WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???" after such an episode.
I guess that everything is just harder with some children. I guess I just got lucky with the first two. I guess it could be worse.
I'll continue to hold my tongue and wait for more good days. This child is bound to take over the world one day with her charm and dimples. I'd better do my best to be on her good side when it happens....

1 comment:

wildtomato said...

She is a charming one! She can have the boy wrapped around her pinky finger in an instant... That is, until she pees on his foot. ;)